Independent label: Yassaba Records was formed by Les Dowson in 1992. It issued singles in an YAS-000 numerical series. Yassaba Records. PO Box 6364, London, N22 8LA. Distributed By Shellshock  Records.

94 Stella Maris No Way (Cd)  YASSABA YASCD 001
94 Not Traced YASSABA YAS 002
94 Not Traced YASSABA YAS 003
96 Sunshot  Great Escape! Ep (Cd)   YASSABA YASCD 004
97 Thee Overdose Don'T Blame Me  YASSABA YAS 005
99 Thee Overdose Wicked Game YASSABA YAS 006
97 Not Traced Good Bloke, Bad Bloke And God (Cd)  YASSABA YAS CD 007
97 Not Traced YASSABA YAS 008
98 Stella Maris Lucifer Sam YASSABA YAS 009
98 Stella Maris My Universe YASSABA YAS 010
99 Flying Medallions The Lemon YASSABA YAS 011
2002 Flicknife  Rickshaw Spring Collection 02 Ep YASSABA YAS 012

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